About the position
Post Doc (f/d/m) -
Coherent diffraction imaging at 2D layers
The Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik (PDI), a member of the Leibniz Association, has a long-standing expertise in synchrotron-based research on crystalline heterostructures.
As a frequent user of European radiation sources such as ESRF, PETRAIII and DLS we design and carry out dedicated experiments to get a better and better idea of the real structure of crystalline materials grown by PDI and external collaborators, but also to push the experimental possibilities to their limits. This is done through close collaboration between complementary core competencies at PDI. In this position you will apply new analytical approaches at fourth generation synchrotron sources taking full advantage of the exceptional coherence to study structural phenomena in ultrathin and weakly bonded two-dimensional layered materials.